Wednesday 15 July 2009

Interview with Princess Gweneiver.

1. What is your full name?
Princess Gweneiver.

2. What is your favourite nickname?
Gwenie also Princess.

3. If your humans want to spoil you, what should they get for you or do?
If you really wish to spoil me it's steak any type. Any pink toy that's cool too. I am spoiled Daily BOL.

4. What is your favourite spot in the house?
I just love to sit on the sofa under the A/C vent and watch telly while I chat up Blondie.

5. What is the most exciting thing you ever did?
The most exciting thing I have done so far was a road trip to Sedona,AZ in America. It was pawsome. The rocks change colours through the day. I got to stand on these rocks very cool. I stayed in a hotel and got to eat at restaurants. Then we drove up to Flagstaff,AZ and saw all kinds of tree's. We went to a train station in Flagstaff and I saw my first train ever. A train flew by us. It was ever so fast. I look forward to many more trips with my Blondie and Tallguy. Road trips Rock!

6. What is your favourite game?
I love to play catch with my pink ball. I can catch it in mid air, love to jump high. I do climb too!

7. If there are any humans or anipals from Twitter you want to mention you can do that here... I'll post as many as you like.
I want to thank you Evgeni first for this honor of an interview with you. I am ever so lucky I have many Anipals I just love dearly here goes my closest, Gingeebee my BBF gal, King Kirby, Barley, Mr Chan, Dale, Milo, Hans, Stubby, Mits, Trixie, Elvis, Lucy, Pumpy, Marley, Baby Patches, Pandafur and new kitteh Punk Punk. And last but never least Pepismartdog who is my mate and an inspiration for all anipals. Thank you.


  1. What does Blondie have to say about this?

  2. This is a grate interview, I am so happy you has a PINK ball! (hugs to you and Evgeni)

  3. TheNibblor here,
    thats pawsome gwenieroo!!!! bigblackdog has pink tennis balls so mommie can see them at the dog park better, BBD says they are the bestest!!!

  4. Gwenie, you are famous now!!! Everyone will be asking for your pawtograph! You are just ever so sweet for mentioning me, & I love you dearly!
